Hooray for the First Day of May! Social distancing keeps us away But we'll revel and shout with our laptops all out And bring May in with joy, anyway! Spring has come back again. The Earth is
like a child that’s got poems by heart; so many poems, so many verses, patient toil winning her prizes at last. Strict, the old teacher. We loved the whiteness in the old gentleman’s beard, its bright snow. Now when we ask what the green, what the blue is, Earth knows the answer, has learned it. She knows. Earth, you’re on holiday, lucky one: play now! Play with us children! We’ll try to catch you. Glad, joyous Earth! The gladdest must win. Every lesson the old teacher taught her, all that is printed in roots and laborious stems: now she sings it! Listen, Earth sings! Rainer Maria Rilke from Sonnets to Orpheus (Part One, XXI), February 1922, translated by Stephen Cohn |